I was browsing Google Videos today and clicked on the 'Top 100' link and chose 'India' to see what was being posted by my countrymen. I was very surprised to find two videos that were over 2 hours long at the first and third positions. The first one had 158,314 views and the third one had 33,453 views. They both turned out to be complete Bollywood movies. Now, if this isn't copyright infringement, then what is. Google does not have an easy mechanism to flag a video as copyrighted material. Check out t his page for yourself to see what I mean. One of the videos was posted by a site called megaload .com. (no hyperlink here to save you the trouble. Take my word for it when I say...) It turns out to be a parked domain with only a zillion pop-up ads to boast. Come on guys...if you want to watch a movie, pay for it. But, just look at the number of views and the ratings. I bet most of these have come from outside India. I live in the UK and it is not very often that...
I am making this entry from an internet kiosk in Amsterdam Airport. I am on my way to Ethiopia as part of a team from the Southern Ethiopia Gwent Health Link . After a month of hectic preparation I am hoping that I can contribute to this visit. I will be teaching health professionals in Ethiopia how to make the best use of computers in medicine. The primary focus is going to be E-learning. We are hoping to get them to interact with us more via the forum that I have created at the link's website. If I get one out of every four attending the course to register on the forum and start posting, then my visit would have been a fantastic success. Well, of all the zillion other problems that they have, I wonder if they will have the time to sit in front of a computer and bother to post to forums. We will know in a few days time. More from Ethiopia.